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Page Not Found – Be Car Care AwareMore car fires happen every year from deferred maintenance than accidents. Keep your family safe; have your car checked today!
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Sensible Steps to Help Keep Your Car Longer – Be Car Care AwareThe Car Care Council offer tips to keep your car longer and maintain it for safety, dependability and reliability. Keep it clean, rely on your senses and stay on schedule.
Our newest Video! what do you think?

Our newest Video! what do you think?Radiator Installation | Centric Auto Repair | San Marcos, CA | Centric Auto RepairThe best way to keep your car on the road longer and keep repair costs down is to make sure your car is serviced regularly. Beyond just changing the oil and
***Myth*** A dealership must perform regular maintenance to keep your car’s factory warranty valid.…
***Myth*** A dealership must perform regular maintenance to keep your car’s factory warranty valid. Reality: As long as the maintenance items specified in the vehicle owner’s manual are performed on schedule, the work can be done at any auto-repair shop. If you’re knowledgeable, you can even do the work yourself. Just keep accurate records and…