
CentricAutorepair.com 760-744-9664How to Know when Car Tires Need ReplacingEver wonder if it’s time to replace your worn car tires? The performance of your tires is very important for maintaining the safety, performance, and efficiency of your vehicle. But at some point, your tires will start wearing out and lose…

CentricAutoRepair.com 760-744-9664How to Check Tire Tread with a PennyThere is a simple and no-cost way to check the tread on your tires. With the simple use of an Abe Lincoln penny, you can quickly determine whether or not you need to buy new tires.http://www.firestonecompleteautocare.com/pennytiretest/ta…
neighbor shop dog “Mongo”
neighbor shop dog “Mongo”
CentricAuto.com 760-744-9664How to Carry Surfboards on the Roof of a VehicleA surfboard on the roof of a car can act like the wing of an airplane. G-force, lift and drag all come into play. A board flying off a vehicle can become a deadly missile. Securely attach racks to the vehicle. If the racks are…
Customer says “ I can see now” happy Friday ???
Customer says “ I can see now” happy Friday ???
CentricAUtoRepair.com 760-744-9664How to Handle Denied Car Accident ClaimsAutomobile insurance is the very embodiment of conflict of interest. Insurance companies normally seek to minimize their payments on claims in order to maximize their own profits. This can result in customers losing sight of their options…
Centric Auto Repair is at Centric Auto Repair
https://www.wikihow.com/Determine-Who-Is-at-Fault-in-a-Car-AccidentHow to Determine Who Is at Fault in a Car AccidentIn general, the driver responsible for the accident has to pay for all damages. However, many states have complicated systems of determining fault, whereby a percentage of the blame can be assigned to each driver, resulting in different…
Have a great Memorial Day weekend!
Have a great Memorial Day weekend!
(760) 490-0487
Centricautorepair.com (760) 490-0487How to Act After a Car AccidentA car accident can be a traumatic and scary experience, making it difficult to know how to react. It’s important to act quickly to ensure that everyone involved is safe. Knowing how to take action after a car accident can also protect you…
(760) 490-0487
CentricAutoRepair.com (760) 490-0487How to Help a Victim of a Car AccidentEvery year, anywhere from 20-50 million people across the globe are hurt, injured, or involved in car accidents.http://asirt.org/initiatives/informing-road-users/road-safety-facts/road-crash-statistics Because accidents are so common, you…